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Sandisk OLTP.gif

The SanDisk Mission

SanDisk really wanted to make an impression with this B2B campaign. The digital storage market was getting more crowded every second, and they were looking for a solution to help grab the attention of their audience while also educating them about how their products could greatly improve efficiency in business.

True Detective had recently debuted on HBO and was the talk at every workplace water cooler. The plan was to infuse the style and texture of the show's opening credits into this campaign. I aimed for a marriage of true-crime grit, and technology.

I studied the double-exposure techniques and movement used in the show open and directed our creative team on how we could capture a similar tone with SanDisk. I supervised the storyboard artists and led the team of animators and motion graphic artists to accomplish this feel. CGI renders of SanDisk products were composited with rolling footage, using light leaks and lens flares as transitional elements, overlaying them on grungy backplates.

In the end, I think the final result was something that even McConaughey and Harrelson would have approved of.

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