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The JerkFit Mission

CrossFit was becoming a household name, and tearing your hands open during a difficult workout was considered a rite of passage. There was really no competition in the market when the first JerkFit products were ready for market. What I set out to accomplish with JerkFit was to set a new standard for how we view fitness products that enhance athletic performance.

The CEO was all-in on my concept to take what had always been a squeaky-clean visual style in the fitness world, and get it a little dirty. These types of workout were brutal on the body, so I really wanted to lean into the brutality and grunginess of this scene while showcasing how effective the products were.


I directed countless photo and video shoots with influencers and fitness celebrities, while leading the creative team to build on this new style of exercise grunge.

I supervised all of the product packaging design, sizing guides, branding, merch, website elements, press kits, social media assets, point-of-purchase display design, and I even designed the booth for our live events.


Under my creative leadership, JerkFit went from a young company that sold a single flagship product, to a fitness brand that now has over 50 different SKU's. The style that I established with JerkFit is now replicated throughout the fitness world by some of the largest brands, and imagery from my campaigns are a part of mood boards on production sets throughout the industry.

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